Injuries can and do happen to anyone. The reasons are plenty, from being involved in a car accident to slipping and falling in a store to being bitten by a dog to using a defective product, just to name a few. Suppose you are dealing with injuries and their accompanying life interruptions and medical expenses. In that case, you need to know that legal help is available to help you recover those damages and fight for your rights. This is where the compassionate, experienced accident attorneys from Maho Prentice, LLP come in. Don’t try to tackle a claim on your own, the law is very complex, and any mistake could cost you dearly. Set up an initial appointment to talk about your case with us and listen to the legal options available to you.

Dealing With An Injury
An injury is when you receive damage to any part of your body. Injuries can happen in an accident or through acts of violence and you could get injured anywhere. The degree of an injury can range from very minor to extensive and severe. Minor ones can be easily managed at home, while major ones may require hospitalization, medical intervention, and continued care. Some of them may even become permanent, having a major impact on the life of whoever suffers them.
Most Common Types of Injuries
There are the types of injuries that tend to happen more often:
Broken Bones
Despite how strong bones are, they can break during accidents, particularly when they are hit with too much force and forced to move in an unnatural way. When they break, bones cause a lot of pain, and, in many cases, they do not heal properly. In some cases, broken bones require reconstructive surgery and extensive therapy.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Sprains, strains, whiplash, bumps, bruises, lacerations, abrasions are just some of the injuries that result when excessive force is exerted on the body. These injuries may happen in car accidents but are also quite common in slip and falls. These injuries tend to be accompanied by more severe ones.
Spinal Cord Injuries
The importance of a healthy spinal cord is easily understood. It transmits messages from the brain to the rest of the body. With severe trauma, an injury may impact it, whether it is from a heavy blow or the penetration of a sharp object. These injuries are very worrisome since they can truly derail a person’s life. The consequence of damage to the spinal cord is partial or full paralysis. Patients who suffer this injury have to rely on adaptive devices to function on a daily basis and require help performing many activities of daily life.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Sadly, there are hundreds of thousands of traumatic brain injuries every year, most of which are the result of car accidents. They can range from a concussion to brain damage. TBI may result in memory loss, headaches, dizziness, difficulties concentrating, and other sensory issues. The number of medical bills might leave you and your loved ones in a shaky financial position. This is when you need the legal guidance of the accident attorneys at Maho Prentice, LLP. Focus your energy on your health and leave the legal aspects in the hands of our experienced team.
Mental Health Issues
Your mental state should never be overlooked after an accident. You might keep reliving the incident, have difficulty falling asleep, experience intense fear, feel anxious, sad, or irritable, or be unable to concentrate. Look for a licensed mental health professional to help you deal with what is likely PTSD.
Know Your Rights When You Suffer an Injury
Facing the medical and financial consequences of an injury can feel like an insurmountable problem. You may be scared and worried, may have lost your job, and may be facing an uncertain recovery. Let the accident lawyers at Maho Prentice, LLP listen to your case and review it. We will help you determine whether you should pursue a personal injury claim and fight for your rights. Don’t wait; set up an appointment today.
If you love riding your motorcycle, you are not alone. Motorcycles represent a favorite pastime for millions, and many more ride one to work and take care of their daily errands. However, riding a motorcycle is not without its risks, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of motorcycle accidents every year in this country alone. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and suffered injuries, the accident attorneys at Maho Prentice, LLP are ready to listen to your case. They will give you advice on the best way to recover the damages you need. Please set up your initial consultation today.

Main Reasons for Motorcycle Accidents
Many motorcycle accidents happen simply because the cars around them fail to notice them while sharing the road. Still, another common reason for motorcycle accidents is speeding by the motorcycle riders themselves. There might not be other vehicles involved in some of these cases, but it doesn’t mean there are no injuries.
Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle riders always represent the most vulnerable group of people on roads at any point in time. They are also much more likely to lose their lives in an accident than car drivers, although injuries are also quite common. The types of injuries sustained in these accidents include:
Road Rash
This happens when the motorcycle rider slides across the pavement after being thrown off their bike. As they hit the pavement, they not only suffer bruises but several layers of their skin are peeled off, exposing muscle and causing a great deal of pain. That is why we cannot stress enough how important it is to always wear protective gear when riding: helmet, jacket, thick pants, gloves, and boots.
Arms and Legs
Injuries to the legs may not be fatal, but they will likely profoundly impact the rider’s life. They may involve knees, ankles, feet, and calves, which may give the rider pain and discomfort for a long time.
Motorcycle riders also tend to suffer many severe injuries to their arms. This may be because the rider’s instinct is to use their arms to protect their head and face, thus having their arms be the first part of their body to hit the road.
Muscle Damage
It is not uncommon to suffer muscle damage in a motorcycle accident. The consequences of damaging a muscle can be long-lasting and may require ongoing medical expenses.
Head and Neck Injuries
Concussions or skull fractures are among the most common injuries suffered by motorcycle riders. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to protect the head when riding a motorcycle since helmets drastically reduce the severity of head injuries.
Traumatic brain injuries and injuries to the spinal cord can have a devastating impact on anyone’s life, with those who suffer from them requiring help with most of the basic activities of daily life.
Act Swiftly After a Motorcycle Accident
Immediately after being in a motorcycle accident, your body is in a state of shock. Get yourself checked out by a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Keep in mind that many serious injuries may not be discovered until days after the incident. Always keep a detailed file of all your expenses.
Also, keep track of all the wages you have lost if you have been unable to go back to work while recovering from your injuries. Also, keep track of all expenses related to fixing or replacing your bike and any other personal property you might have lost or had damaged during the crash.
Get Legal Help Now
Setting up an appointment with the motorcycle accident attorneys at Maho Prentice, LLP is something you should not put off after being in a motorcycle accident. It is important to have a team of experienced, knowledgeable accident lawyers by your side since they will be your best tool when it comes to fighting for your rights and recovering damages for an accident that happened through no fault of your own. Don’t delay since there is a statute of limitations that marks how long you have to file a claim. Give us a call today and we will listen to your case and plan the best course of action. We work on a contingency basis so there will be no out-of-pocket costs to you.