Established Southern California

Southern California’s Trusted Santa Barbara Personal Injury Attorneys

Maho | Prentice, LLP Attorneys at Law

The Insurance Companies Know Our Strengths

With our experience in adeptly handling both plaintiffs and defendants, we have an in-depth understanding of both sides of personal injury litigation and appropriately uphold our clients’ legal rights. Together, attorneys Tyrone Maho and Chad Prentice have the experience of more than 85 jury trials. We bring our 67 years of combined legal experience to bear on every case we take. Personable, trustworthy, and accessible, we are a small firm that attains big-firm results.

But perhaps the key to our enduring success is our preparedness. Insurance companies and corporations want to avoid a long and costly trial. They also want to avoid a big payout. At Maho | Prentice, LLP, we understand that the best way to avoid a trial and receive maximum compensation is to be prepared for trial. We have extensive experience in this space. Because the insurance companies know our strengths, we are able to leverage better settlements for our clients.